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17 Ergebnisse.


Melchor, Fernanda (México)

La oscuridad del puerto lo envuelve todo. Pachi y Vinicio se adentran en la playa, van camino a una fiesta improvisada; andan buscando con qué entumir el cuerpo, con qué acabar de borrarse. El verano ha sido largo y el día, mucho peor. No muy lejos de ahí, Zahir fantasea con su próximo viaje a la capital o al norte de México, fuera del alcance de la tía que le exige dinero, lo aplaca a golpes...

CHF 28.50



«Fernanda Melchor explora la violencia y la desigualdad en esta novela brutal. Lo hace con una destreza técnica deslumbrante, oído absoluto para la oralidad y precisión de neurocirujana para la crueldad. Páradais es un breve e inexorable descenso al infierno.» Mariana Enríquez

CHF 25.00

Temporada de huracanes

Melchor Pinto, María Fernanda
Temporada de huracanes

Un grupo de niños encuentran un cadáver flotando en las aguas turbias de un canal de riego cercano a la ranchería La Matosa. El cuerpo resulta ser de la Bruja, una mujer que heredó dicho oficio de su madre fallecida, y a quienes los pobladores de esa zona rural respetaban y temían.

Tras el macabro hallazgo, las sospechas y habladurías recaerán sobre un grupo de muchachos del pueblo, a...

CHF 25.00

This Is Not Miami

Melchor, Fernanda / Hughes, Sophie
This Is Not Miami
Set in and around the Mexican city of Veracruz, This Is Not Miami delivers a series of devastating stories-spiraling from real events-that bleed together reportage and the author's rich and rigorous imagination. These narrative nonfiction pieces probe deeply into the motivations of murderers and misfits, into their desires and circumstances, forcing us to understand them-and even empathize-despite our wish to simply label them monsters. As in ...

CHF 23.50


Melchor, Fernanda / Hughes, Sophie
Inside a luxury housing complex, two misfit teenagers sneak around and get drunk. Franco Andrade, lonely, overweight, and addicted to porn, obsessively fantasizes about seducing his neighbor-an attractive married woman and mother-while Polo dreams about quitting his grueling job as a gardener within the gated community and fleeing his overbearing mother and their narco-controlled village. Each facing the impossibility of getting what he thinks...

CHF 23.50


Melchor, Fernanda / Hughes, Sophie
Written in a chilling torrent of prose by one of our most thrilling new writers, Paradais explores the explosive fragility of Mexican society - fractured by issues of race, class and violence - and how the myths, desires, and hardships of teenagers can tear life apart at the seams.

CHF 20.50


Melchor, Fernanda / Hughes, Sophie
Inside a luxury housing complex, two misfit teenagers sneak around and get drunk. Franco Andrade, lonely, overweight, and addicted to porn, obsessively fantasizes about seducing his neighbor-an attractive married woman and mother-while Polo dreams about quitting his grueling job as a gardener (and general doormat) within the gated community, and fleeing his overbearing mother and their narco-controlled village. Each faced with the impossibilit...

CHF 28.50


Melchor, Fernanda / Ammar, Angelica
Am Rand des Paradieses ist das Wasser schlammgrün. Jede Nacht sitzen sie unten am Fluss und trinken bis zur Besinnungslosigkeit: der übergewichtige blonde Franco, der in der Luxus-Anlage Paradise wohnt, und der sechzehnjährige Polo, der dort als Gärtner arbeitet. Doch Franco ist kein Freund, er braucht Polo nur, um seine grotesken sexuellen Phantasien auszubreiten. Die drehen sich obsessiv um eine einzige Frau: die unerreichbare Nachbarin Seño...

CHF 25.50

Hurricane Season

Melchor, Fernanda / Hughes, Sophie
Hurricane Season
The Witch is dead. And the discovery of her corpse has the whole village investigating the murder. As the novel unfolds in a dazzling linguistic torrent, with each unreliable narrator lingering on new details, new acts of depravity or brutality, Melchor extracts some tiny shred of humanity from these characters-inners whom most people would write off as irredeemable-forming a lasting portrait of a damned Mexican village. Like Roberto Bolano's ...

CHF 23.90

Saison der Wirbelstürme

Melchor, Fernanda / Ammar, Angelica
Saison der Wirbelstürme
Die Hexe ist tot, ermordet - aber hat sie's nicht genau so gewollt? Sprachgewaltig, schmutzig und mit der Sogkraft eines Wirbelsturms schreibt Fernanda Melchor, eine der wichtigsten jungen Stimmen Lateinamerikas, über die viel zu alltägliche Gewalt gegen Frauen.

CHF 19.90

Hurricane Season

Melchor, Fernanda / Hughes, Sophie
Hurricane Season
Written with an infernal lyricism that is as affecting as it is enthralling, HURRICANE SEASON, Fernanda Melchor's first novel to appear in English, is a formidable portrait of contemporary Mexico and its demons, brilliantly translated by the award-winning translator Sophie Hughes.

CHF 22.90


Melchor, Fernanda / Hughes, Sophie
The Witch is dead. And the discovery of her corpse-by a group of children playing near the irrigation canals-propels the whole village into an investigation of how and why this murder occurred. Rumors and suspicions spread. As the novel unfolds in a dazzling linguistic torrent, with each unreliable narrator lingering on new details, new acts of depravity or brutality, Melchor extracts some tiny shred of humanity from these characters that most...

CHF 31.90

Stagione di uragani

Melchor, Fernanda / Cacucci, P.
Stagione di uragani
La Matosa è un villaggio di poche anime nella provincia messicana più remota. Lontano da tutto, persino dall'umanità stessa. Su strade di terra battuta si intrecciano le vite di uomini e donne che ogni giorno affrontano violenza, crudeltà, dolore, senza smettere di sperare in attimi di luce. Tutto inizia con la scoperta di un cadavere, un corpo abbandonato in un canneto. A scoprirlo è un gruppo di ragazzini in cerca di avventure che finisce pe...

CHF 30.90